The Show Must Go On – Endlich wieder englisches Theater!
Der Titel des Stückes von Sean Aita ist Programm! Endlich durften wir nach mehrmaligem Verschieben von Vorstellungsterminen wieder eine Aufführung des Vienna’s English Theatre genießen! Am 30. März öffnete das Orpheum Graz seine Pforten nach zweijähriger Pause für uns.
Die Schüler:innen der 2., 3. und 4. Klassen gingen mit dem wunderbaren Ensemble von Vienna’s English Theatre auf eine äußerst unterhaltsame Reise in die Welt des Theaters. Die Spielfreude der vier jungen Schauspieltalente von VET fand großen Anklang beim jungen Publikum. Beschwingt kehrten wir in den Unterricht zurück.
The world’s a stage – again!
Appraisal of The Show Must Go On by Sean Aita
Millie, Jazz, Leo and James are four actors and actresses who discuss what they should play in their new theatre production. After some time of thinking and discussing, they decide to play Around the World in 80 Days. Because their company is almost broke, they agree on a cheap, shortened yet very up-to-date version of Jules Verne’s novel. At first, they disagree about who is getting which part. Will they be able to work together and give a great performance?
Our group really enjoyed watching the play because it adopts a very modern view of how, for example, stage roles are assigned, e.g., that not men play men, but the women in the play. It also addresses some more serious aspects like racism, though. The stage was also nicely designed. We especially liked the map in the back. The actors and actresses played their characters very convincingly and their costumes were very good for the low budget they have. In particular, the actor who played Leo impressed us a lot with his part where he played two characters at once.
In summary, we can say that this visit to the theatre was funny and highly entertaining! We definitely would go there again! Our secret tip: Also watch Spooked by VET!
by Antonia, Constantin, Miriam and Linus