English Week 2018 – UPDATE
Was sagen eigentlich unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler über die English Week? Lilien und Paul aus der 2a schreiben darüber, wie sie die Woche mit den native speakers erlebt haben.
It was an exciting week with funny and even funnier moments. We had four native speakers, all from other cities and countries. We learned a lot in a playful way. We discussed many different topics, for example: Things in a country, all kinds of films, love, Canada, crimes, the race to space and a lot more. There were many things I found funny. But one thing was very cool. We had to draw our own country; then we had to write a hymn to make some rules and invent our own language. The speed dating was also funny because we had to say some crazy things: for example: I love you baby, can you smile for me, or something like that. We played so many games, but the best game was captain is coming/ships: it’s similar to Simon says but with other tasks. However, the greatest achievement was that we won the race for the snap points and got delicious sweets. I wish we had one more week to have even more fun studying English.
Lilien Eckert, 2a
The English Week was very cool and funny. The teachers were nice and we did lots of interesting things. The English was not too hard and not so easy, so I learned a lot. We did lots of cool things but I think that the games were the best. Also really funny was: “Draw your own country” or play sketches. A little bit boring was the speed dating. But the whole English Week was real fun. It is cool when we are going to have an English Week next year.
Paul Hollwöger, 2a
Wie jedes Jahr fand auch heuer wieder vom 22.10. bis zum 25.10. für die 2. Klassen sowie für eine 1.Klasse (PEP Klasse) die schon bewährte English week statt. Dabei wurde klassenübergreifend jeweils am Vormittag bis zum Ende der 6. Stunde ausschließlich auf Englisch gearbeitet. Das Team von Lilac mit qualifizierten Native Speakers arbeitete in Kleingruppen, um den Kindern ein verstärktes Eintauchen in die englische Sprache und Kultur zu ermöglichen. Diskussionen, Quizzes, Präsentationen, kreatives Arbeiten und vieles mehr fanden bei den Schülerinnen und Schülern viel Anklang und stärkten das Selbstbewusstsein im Umgang mit der englischen Sprache. Die 117 teilnehmenden Kinder erhielten zum Abschluss ein Zertifikat.