Caroline Auer ist „Regional Champion“
Im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts nahm die Englischgruppe der 4C am österreichweiten Schreibwettbewerb vom Helbling Verlag teil. Dieser Bewerb war an die ersten bis vierten Klassen gerichtet und die SchülerInnen hatten pro Altersstufe je zwei Themen zur Auswahl. Insgesamt nahmen über 1800 Schüler von 200 verschiedenen Schulen teil und von allen TeilnehmerInnen wurden 15 österreichweite „regional champions“ von einer Jury bestehend aus Herbert Puchta, Amy Sutton, Jeremy Harmer und Gavin Biggs gekürt. Caroline Auers Text „Her grand day out“ zählt zu einem der 15 besten Texte. Wir gratulieren sehr herzlich zu dieser hervorragenden Leistung. Der preisgekrönte Text kann nachfolgend gelesen werden:
Her grand day out
The grass. The flowers. The smell. She’s going through the brilliant green grass, looking in the blue sky and thinking about those happy days she’s living in. Well, if they were that happy. Do you know who she was? What she was? Her name doesn’t matter. Her age neither. Just her story matters. And I want to tell it to you…
She grew up in a pretty poor family. Her father was an alcoholic. Her mother had many affairs with men and women. She always was the only person to talk to for her siblings, was just like their mother. Not like her mother. Like a good mother. She always imagined how it would be, when she was free. She always dreamed about being happy. But she never really was.
One day she took a walk in the wood. Alone. She really had to leave everything behind herself. Just on that day, she wanted to be alone. To see something new, to feel valid, to feel important. She arrived at the little hill and got up there. What she saw up there was… gorgeous.
The wind blew colourfully magnificent leaves across the lawn. Everywhere were flowers and she heard birds’ twittering. She got goosebumps. After she had taken a deep breath, she plumped down in the grass. Soon, she closed her eyes and fell asleep…
On the next day there was a newsletter report. It said: “Girl died on hill, while having her last, but grand day out”